Welcome to the DMX+SMX Information Page

DMX+SMX is a framework which facilitates iterative prototypical development of domain-specific simulation modelling languages and tools. DMX is the more general part featuring an object-oriented high-level Domain Base Language (DBL). SMX is a hard-wired extension of DMX, specifically designed for developing DSLs for simulation modelling. In SBX, one starts with the Simulation Base Language (SBL). DMX+SMX is developed as a set of Eclipse plugins running under Eclipse v4.4.

The following Eclipse plugins are required by DMX:

DMX+SMX is an academic project maintained by an individual (Andreas Blunk). I'm trying to have a stable running version in the latest commit. However, there might be some parts not working from time to time. The purpose is to show the principle working of the particular concept of language extension which is realized by the framework.

In order to use DMX+SBX, you should import its plugins into your own Eclipse workspace. The contents provided at GitHub are listed below.





Defining and Using a PrintLn Extension


Defining and Using a Simple Forever Extension



Having trouble with DMX+SMX? Contact me (Andreas Blunk) at andreas.blunk@gmail.com.